Writing a Personal Statement may seem daunting, much less writing multiple versions. However, it is very important that you have a Personal Statement for each specialty you are applying to. The Personal Statement is your chance to stand out to a Program Director, and create a personal connection. If you try to use the same Personal Statement for multiple programs, it will end up feeling disconnected. Below, we will discuss how to write a specialty specific Residency Personal Statement that will bolster your application.

Tips for Writing a Specialty Specific Residency Personal Statement

A vital part of a strong Residency Personal Statement is that you tailor your message. A great way to do this is by including experiences, accomplishments and skills related to the specialty you seek. You should establish your interest for that specialty and how you will be an asset to the program. The following tips help you keep your Personal Statement specialty focused:

  • Include experiences in that specialty. Patient stories, an important learning experience or a mentor who inspired you are great examples of experiences that relate directly to that field of medicine. Remember to keep your messaging focused, do not try to address everything at once. Pick an experience that you can share in a clear, concise way and will add a relevant point of view.
  • Detail future goals for that specialty. It’s important to show that you are excited about your future with this specialty. You can mention some goals and skills you’d like to accomplish. If you show that you are ready to learn and grow, it will make you a more attractive candidate.
  • Explain why you’re choosing this specific field. A pivotal moment for any candidate is the moment where you choose medicine and what specialty to pursue. Paint a clear picture of why you are motivated and passionate about your desired specialty. You can add some personal details, as a result the program director will have more of a personal connection.
  • Address how you personally are a good fit for this specialty. Do you have any specific traits or attributes that make you qualified for this specialty? You can display these qualities by sharing examples and achievements. However, you do not want to come off as arrogant or boastful.
  • Avoid sounding too general. While it may be tempting to include jargon or cliches, you want to keep your word choice professional and polished. General statements like “I’m very skilled” or “I love medicine” do not give the reader any insight into who you are. Moreover, make sure you show why you are a strong candidate for this specialty, do not just list broad traits.

If you need help editing your Personal Statement for several specialties, our experts are here to make the process much smoother! We can even help you write your first Personal Statement, and then use our editing service to tailor your PS to each specialty you are applying to. If you have any questions or comments, give us a call at (858)-221-8590 or email us at support@residencystatement.com.